I Hope: A Poem for My Ex 💔

To the man who broke my heart:

I miss you a lot.

I wish things had worked out between us.

I wish it didn’t have to end this way.

But, ultimately,

My hope for you is that you find what you’re looking for.

I’m disappointed that it wasn’t with me,

But I do hope that you are able to find the love of your life.

In fact,

I hope you meet her soon.

I know you’re my ex,

I know you’re responsible for my state of despair,

But I mean that sincerely.

I hope she’s really pretty and that you like her a lot.

I also hope that she can’t make you quite as happy as I did.

I hope you have a hard time not thinking about me the first time you meet her.

I hope it still goes well.

But I hope you keep comparing her to me for slightly longer than you should.

I hope she makes you smile but I also hope she can’t really make you laugh.

I hope she likes your voice but doesn’t think to ask you to sing to her.

I hope that makes you feel just a little disappointed.

I hope she likes Big Bang Theory as much as you do and I hope that’s the only thing you like about her more than me.

I hope she thinks you’re the one.

I hope she’s been thinking about her proposal since childhood.

I hope she has high hopes for it.

And I hope you meet all of those hopes even though you don’t really understand the point.

I hope the ring she wants is very specific and a little out of your budget.

I hope she’s been thinking about her wedding since childhood too.

I hope she wants a big one.

I hope she wants the first dance to be to “Love Song” by Taylor Swift.

I hope her family likes you and I hope you find them a little boring.

I hope she wants kids even though you don’t.

I hope you end up having them because parenthood is a unique life experience.

I hope you have the kind of kids who think the world revolves around them.

I hope your wife encourages it.

I hope they’re the kind of kids who think they can grow up to make a living as influencers.

I hope your wife encourages it.

I hope she has a mommy blog that she takes a little too seriously.

I hope she hangs up pictures in your house that say things like “Bless this mess” in cursive.

I hope she cares too much about their birthday parties.

I hope you find it endearing.

I also hope it’s kind of expensive.

I hope she sends out Christmas cards every year through Shutterfly.

I hope you met her in Farmville and I hope that’s where she’s from and I hope that’s where she wants to live forever.

I hope you’re really happy with her.

I hope you continue to make each other happy.

I hope you grow old together.

I hope you love having a family and I hope it makes you feel fulfilled.

I hope it also makes you feel just a little bit trapped.

And like you’ve never reached your full potential because of them.

I hope you sometimes think about what your life would have been like if you hadn’t left me.

And I hope you realize it would have been better.

Not a whole lot better.


But definitely better.


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