Dill Pickle Cotton Candy & Other Things I Wish I Had Never Eaten

Some things seem like a good idea at the time, and some things don’t seem like a good idea at the time but you still do them for some reason.

Dog food that time when I was a kid

My friend told me it tasted like bread and I like bread.

Dog food that time when I was an adult

I like bread.

Deep dish pizza

That is an inside joke between me and the people of Chicago.

A Malort shot out of a Tostitos scoop

That is an inside joke between me and the people of that party.

A bug on accident

It was an accident.

A bug on purpose

It was a trend.

All the times I’ve accidentally eaten a piece of burrito wrapper while eating a burrito

In a desperation to get as much burrito into my body as quickly as possible I guess.

All the times I used a paper towel to soak up the grease on a piece of pizza and then ate that paper towel

The grease is the best part.

Reader Discretion: The Throw Up Section

Some things seem like a good idea at the time, and some things make you vomit.

That cheese quesadilla that gave me food poisoning

A forgettable quesadilla but a weekend of puking I’ll remember forever.

The Dunkin avocado toast I ate on the way to a drug test for a new job

That I then threw up in a parking lot after realizing it had poppyseeds on it (I mean it might as well have been heroin syringe toast).

The Throw Up Section is over

Oh wait I forgot about the time I got fries from Wendy’s before seeing The Polar Express in iMax at the Science Museum with my family and I had to leave during the elves part to puke

Okay NOW the throw up section is over.

Moonshine pickles

I thought that liking picklebacks and liking pickle spears soaked in whiskey would be the same thing but actually the best part about a pickleback is that you don’t have to spend half an hour eating it.

The summer I got really into Bud Light Lime

Surprisingly not part of the Throw Up Section.

Pepperoni pizza this one time even though I am a vegetarian

I actually did not regret that one.

Chick-fil-A Chicken Minis this one time even though I am a vegetarian

“Dill Pickle Cotton Candy and Other Things I Wish Had Eaten MORE of”

This spoiled tofu that made my apartment smell like cat food when I was baking it but I still ate a little out of denial

I don’t think I want to be a vegetarian anymore.

The year in high school I almost exclusively ate Special K because the box promised it would help me lose weight

A somehow more concerning stage than the Bud Light Lime summer.

Dill pickle cotton candy when I took a second bite for some reason

Definitely in the “don’t seem like a good idea at the time but you still do them for some reason” category.

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